Sustainable Lake Living

"Ventanas al Cielo" - Windows to Heaven

Net Metering, and;

Federal and State of Georgia Energy Tax Credits

Jackson EMC - Net Metering Utility Costs Options:

The net metering rider is at

The mechanism is a credit towards future bills with an annual payout.  Currently, the rate credited for over production (i.e. the avoided cost) is $0.04321 per kWh for 2013.  We review this rate annually compared to our actual costs, and I anticipate it will escalate each year.  You are weighing a $4.15 monthly charge with the ability to offset that monthly charge with a credit at $0.04321 per kWh.  To say it another way, you need to average producing 96 kWh per month to break even to go with the Net Metering Rider.  To receive a credit, you will also have to offset your service charges ($11) and taxes by producing 351 kWh per month on average.

The “default” is that we do not issue a credit for a month where you produced more than you consumed.   We simply bill you at 0 kWh usage (i.e. $11).  Most people go with the default because their panels are not large enough to offset all of their energy usage for the month.  You still get credit for production over consumption during the day, because most often the consumption at night offsets the daily production.

Keep in mind, the calculation is done month to month.  With either method, you will be receiving the full retail rate as a credit for offsetting your usage with your production.  The decision is based on what whether you want to receive credit for over producing.  Here is an example:

For a month the House consumes: 1,300 kWh and the PV panels produce: 1,200 kWh, Jackson EMC would bill us for 100 kWh.  With the Net Metering Rider this will be $11 + $4.15 + 100*$0.1 = $25.15.  Without the Net Metering Rider this will be $11 + 100*$0.1 = $21.00.

For another month the House consumes: 1,100 kWh and the PV panels produce: 1,200 kWh. With the Net Metering Rider, Jackson EMC would credit us for 100 kWh and the bill will be $11 + $4.15 - 100 times $0.04321 = $10.83.  Without the Net Metering Rider this will bill as 0 kWh usage and the bill will be $11.00.





Incentive Type:  Personal Tax Credit – Residential Energy Efficiency Credit

Eligible Renewable and OtherTechnologies:   

Solar Hot Water, Photovoltaics, Wind, Fuel Cells, Geothermal Heat Pumps, and Other Solar and Fuel Techologies.

Applicable Sectors:  Residential

Amount of federal tax credit:  30% of cost

Equipment Requirements:                                

Solar water heating property must be certified by SRCC or a compatible entity endorsed by the state where the system is installed. At least half of the energy used to heat the dwelling’s water must be from solar. Geothermal Heat Pumps must meet Federal Energy Star criteria. Fuel Cells must have electricity-only generation efficiency greater than 30%.

Carryover Provisions:  Excess tax credits can generally be carried forward until used.

Start Date:  1/1/2006

Expiration Date:  12/31/2016


Incentive Type:  Personal Tax Credit – Clean Energy Tax Credit

Eligible Renewable and Other Technologies:              

Solar Water Heater, Solar Space Heater, Photovoltaics, Wind, Geothermal Heat Pumps

Applicable Sectors:  Residential

Amount of state tax credit:  35% of cost for photovoltaic; and, $2,500 for solar hot water heating

Maximum Incentives:                                       

Photovoltaic, active space heating and wind energy - $10,500

Energy Star Geothermal Heat Pump - $2,000

Equipment Requirements:  Must be SRCC or FSES-GP-5-80 certified

Carryover Provisions:  Installments over four successive taxable years beginning with the year the credit is allowed

Program Budget:  $2.5 million annually through 12/31/2011; $5 million annually in 2012, 2013 and 2014

Start Date:  7/1/2008

Expiration Date:  12/31/2014

Consult your personal tax advisor, CPA, or accountant for eligibility and current program details.